Regenerative thermal oxidizers efficiency, how they work and benefits of use

Regenerative thermal oxidizers, or simply RTO, are a type of air pollution management equipment. They clean the air and eliminate hazardous air pollutants, odorous emissions and combustible organic compounds formed during industrial processes. These are often a byproduct of paint shop coating machines.

As a leading regenerative thermal oxidizer manufacturer we produce air cleaning devices that clean polluted air with the help of thermal oxidation. During the cleaning procedure, the organic compound emissions are transformed into CO2 and water (pure combustion products).

RTO is set up in combination with dust filters that accompany oxidation chambers, vents, connecting channels and a system utilising the generated heat.

regenerative thermal oxidizers

What are flameless regenerative thermal oxidizers, and how do they differentiate from thermal oxidizers?

 Regenerative thermal oxidation equipment is a highly efficient and complexly structured mechanism used for controlling air pollution. Sturdy equipment helps to manage air quality by decomposing VOCs (volatile organic compounds), HAPs (hazardous air pollutants) and other solvents into water vapour and carbon dioxide. With effectiveness from 97% to 99%, they have the highest removal rates on the market.

And how do RTOs work? By heating the exhaust fan’s air to extremely high temperatures (760°C). High temperatures are provided by 2 to 3 towers manufactured from outstanding thermal ceramic material connected at the top of a direct-fire burner. The system is finished by a combustion chamber operating at a very high temperature.

RTO differs from thermal oxidizers (TO) by the operating system and how each recovers heat while operating. Thermal oxidizers are much simpler machines depleting pollution from the air using a vapour stream and oxidiser chamber.

The chamber is designed to manage temperature, turbulence and time to an optimum extent. It also enhances and maintains efficiency and ensures that oxygen reacts with VOCs and breaks them down into less harmful components.

flameless regenerative thermal oxidizer


Various types of a flameless regenerative thermal oxidizer

Regenerative thermal oxidizer manufacturers are producing state-of-the-art air pollution control. They provide a wide array of flameless RTOs like:


  • Induced Draft Systems with compounds that require direct or indirect heating system
  • Induced Draft Systems that keep the condensation away from booster fans
  • Recuperative RTO with Hot Gas Bypass ensures maximum destruction of hazardous gases and supreme VOC control without high-temperature shut-downs
  • Natural Gas Injection (NGI) is mostly used for low VOC loads.
  • Recuperative RTO for VOC Polishing Chambers allows for over 99% of VOC destruction


With low-cost operating solutions and high regenerative thermal oxidizer effectiveness, they are an essential addition to any chemical plant. Their marvelous HAP and VOC depletion rates are quintessential for decomposing hazardous gases.

Using RTO has several advantages, such as low-cost fuel-free operation, effectiveness, extremely low operating costs and VOC concentrations. The solutions provided by our company are tried and trusted by various industries as they ensure maximum process efficiency.


Cutting-edge RTO guarantees compliance with needed standards and regulations. Before buying an RTO, it is crucial to document the process, conditions and your business goals. That will help you achieve maximum optimization and productivity of the procedure and provide you with a baseline. To help you with the purchase, we prepared some questions to consider before making the big decision.


  • Does the RTO system support all the features needed?
  • Is it suitable for your specific application?
  • What will be the best size for now and in the future?
  • What are the major components of the system (individual assessment is advised)?
  • Is the RTO optimized for your exhaust airstream?
  • Does it have any additional features?
  • Is it easily customizable?

Regenerative Thermal Oxidation Equipment,


How does a flameless regenerative thermal oxidizer work?

Regenerative thermal oxidation equipment uses discharge at high temperatures to deteriorate air pollutants from exhaust streams. That turns them into carbon dioxide and water before they are released into the atmosphere. With the help of a system fan, RTOs push polluted airstream through the oxidizer.

The airflow is controlled by valves which direct the airstream into one of three ceramic heat towers. These are used as heat exchangers, allowing polluted air to enter the first tower. In the first tower, the air absorbs the heat from the ceramic material and enters the combustion chamber.

The contaminated air is there held at a high temperature for a specific amount of time until it oxidizes. The clean, hot air then exits the combustion chamber and moves to other ceramic towers, which absorb the heat for reuse. After, the cooled air is exhausted into the atmosphere.

Regenerative thermal oxidizers, the efficiency of which is the highest in the market, can be a significant investment. However, it doesn’t have to be a substantial long-term expense. Innovative RTO manufacturers PROCESNI INŽENIRING d.o.o. created equipment with the highest reliability, low operating costs and long service life.

regenerative thermal oxidizer manufacturers

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